Making Disciples since 1883
Established almost 140 years ago in Caversham, Dunedin, we are an evangelical, non-denominational church affiliated with the Christian Community Churches of New Zealand (CCCNZ). Closely-aligned sister churches in the Dunedin area are Cornerstone International Bible Church and Riverside Chapel, Henley.
We seek to honour Jesus, reach people with the gospel message and make a difference in the Dunedin community, multiplying disciple makers of Jesus in Dunedin and beyond (Matthew 28:18-20).

We Value:
Truth We are a counter-cultural, Christ-centered community committed to the truth God has revealed about himself and our world in the Bible. We believe the Bible is God’s love letter to humanity, intended for our blessing and human flourishing. The truth of the biblical worldview has been passed down to us from Jesus and the apostles, and we endeavour to pass that truth on to the next generation. We know we’re outnumbered in New Zealand, but that doesn’t bother us. We are wholeheartedly committed to the truth that is to be found only in Jesus. We wish to be bold, confident, and clear in our stand for the biblical truth.
“They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth. Your word is truth.” - John 17:16-17
Love We view ourselves as a close family that endeavours to practice the "one anothers" of Scripture, particularly Jesus' command to love one another. We spend quality time with one another and care for one another when we are feeling down. With disciple making as a primary emphasis, we are open, transparent, and vulnerable with one another in our doubts and struggles. When we proclaim the gospel to non-Christians we do so in a loving, compassionate, understanding way. Personal relationships are everything to us.
"Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the Law." - Romans 13:8
Maturity We see the Christian life as a constant advance to spiritual maturity as one journeys through five stages of disciple making—from unbeliever to seeker to believer to disciple to disciple maker. We want everyone involved in our church to advance to spiritual maturity and hear “well done” at the end of the journey. Our primary ministries--disciple making, inductive Bible study, and apologetics--are geared toward this one objective.
"[Jesus] we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Messiah." - Colossians 1:28

Cornerstone International Bible Church and Riverside Chapel are our sister churches in the Dunedin area. All three churches are Open Brethren heritage churches and members of the Christian Community Churches of New Zealand (CCCNZ).
We invite you to visit our church and hope your visit will be enjoyable. Situated just off South Road, our Dunedin church is easily accessible from Dunedin City, South Dunedin, Green Island, and Mosgiel.